Phonics Complete Set 3


Complete Set 3 booklets for the digraphs

/ay/ (‘ai’, ‘eigh’, ‘ei’, ‘ey’)
/ee/ (‘ie’, ‘y’, ‘ey’, ‘ea‘)
/ie/ (‘i’, ‘ie’, ‘i-e’, ‘igh‘)
/oe/ (‘oa’, ‘ou’, ‘ough’, ‘o‘)
/oo/ (‘oo’ as in igloo)
/u/ (‘u’, ‘oo’, ‘ui’, ‘ou‘)



The set 1 booklets use, mainly, single syllable words and sets 2 and 3 booklets use polysyllabic words.  The resource contains the following booklets:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Own Sentences
  • Word Jumbles (Anagrams)

All booklets have an answer key included in the price.