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Spellzoo scheme

The Spellzoo scheme is organised around weekly sets of spelling words for each year group. These sets are used to create resources supporting 3 different objectives:

  • Learning the Spellings; using the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check approach
  • Expanding vocabulary; using different Word Activities 
  • Testing spellings; using Dictation Sentences.
The Spellings are taken from the National Curriculum for English; and include all the statutory spellings and the spelling pattern words for each year group. Core spelling booklets are available in a choice of print,  joined cursive or continuous cursive fonts, to aid handwriting.  A list of all the words used in the spellings is included for each term and class, as a complete school record.  There is also a mark sheet available for each class.
The Word Activities are linked to each week's spellings and can be used in a variety of ways. There are four different activities, along with dictionary definitions, for each weekly set of  spellings. They have been used as before-school activities; as homework; or as group work.
The Dictation Sentences can either be used as a spelling test; or as a dictation exercise. Putting the word in context, by using a mixture of statements, commands and questions, along with the relevant punctuation; follows guidelines set out in the National Curriculum. By the end of the KS1 dictations the first 200 key words will also have been covered.

There are also differentiated spellings with space for personalised spellings, alongside simplified Word Activities.  You will find more information on each product description, but feel free to contact us if you have any other queries.