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Dictation sentences  linked to the Y1 - Y6 spelling lists for each term.

By the end of KS1 the first 200 High Frequency Words will also have been covered in the dictations. Click on the icon on the product page for a full description of the resource. There are three pages for each set of spelling words.  A teacher's script and two student dictation exercises are included.   Different sentence types are used, eg statements, commands and questions (along with the relevant punctuation).  

Teachers read aloud the short sentence from the script.  In the first exercise, the students write a single missing word in each sentence. This focuses on spelling in context and is similar in format to the spellings used in tests.  There is space to record the score on the same page.

The second exercise is aligned with National Curriculum requirements Writing: Word Structure & Spelling 'write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.'

To make the exercises fun, each dictation includes some illustrations relevant to the spelling.

New Dictation sentences aligned with Medium Term plans from the National Curriculum

As a result of requests and feedback from teachers, these are new short dictations which are aligned with the Medium Term plans from the National Curriculum.  They use words covered in the spelling lists and also incorporate relevant grammar and punctuation linked to Yearly objectives.  Different sentence types are used, eg statements, commands and questions. The KS1 dictations also use words from the High Frequency / tricky words lists.  The KS2 dictations have been used to introduce new vocabulary in context and also as story starters/stimuli. There are three sentences for each week.

Teachers read aloud the short sentence from the script which follows National Curriculum requirements - Writing: Word Structure & Spelling 'write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.'